*This report was originally written by Sorn during his long tenure as Ritari. It has been reposted here in an effort to collect all our resources on our new site.
On December 22, 2012, Keeper of Seasons Hall met to observe Yule, its last official holiday celebration of 2012. Like previous years, we had an indoor celebration, and Debbie and I hosted the event at our home.
After everyone who was able to attend had arrived and chatted for a bit, we began our rounds of sumble. In recognition of some of the tragedies that had occurred across our country recently, we had a moment of silence for those individuals who would not be able to be with their families this Yule season. I then announced our reason for gathering and hailed the powers of the season. Others followed with worthy hails, boasts, oaths, and toasts; many chose to hail the Hall itself during the third round. After the rounds were completed, a small amount of mead was left for the husvættir, and the remainder of the drink was poured outside over the horgr near my house.
Following the libation, we returned inside to share drink, food, and companionship. Debbie and I gave a few gifts to the people who had warmed our home that evening, and gradually over the next several hours, everyone parted ways, wishing each other a glad Yuletide.
